What Services Exactly?
What are the Specific Services You Offer Exactly?
We endeavor to implement whatever is needed to get you more clients…
In our experience, small business owners often get caught up with “just doing social media”, or “just doing SEO” or some such activity.
This is usually a mistake, in that just “just doing” these things is often done without a clear understanding of how to actually make them translate into more customers. They often, therefore, produce little, at least in terms of tangible benefits to the business.
Hiring a company to be “just doing” these activities should not be a goal for small businesses. Any more than “just driving a car” is likely to be a goal for your small business.
Driving a car is more likely to be just one means of getting to a specific destination.
In this sense, social media marketing, search marketing, video marketing, website design, site conversion optimization, content marketing, and all the rest, are best understood as various potential “vehicles” which can help to achieve a specific goal. Usually, this is simply “getting more customers and or clients”.
Yes, yes but I Still want to Know What it is that You do Exactly!
- Okay here are some examples of what we do that we have found to be particularly effective right now. Also what we predict will be particularly important through 2017 into 2018.
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Content Marketing
A catch-all descriptive for creating great content, publishing, and promoting it on the web. The key thing to understand about content marketing is that it is a soft-sell, never a hard-sell.
This means regularly creating great informative, interesting content, to do with a specific subject area (market) without an obvious sell. Done poorly this comes across as a continuous stream of blatant ads or promotional propaganda and turns people off.
Done right, it is a continuous stream of interesting, even educational multimedia material that people will naturally subscribe to in order to stay informed regarding a specific subject.
The hidden agenda is to use the stream of content to establish the source of the content as a subject expert, even a thought leader. Ultimately, becoming the right place to buy from when the time comes. Hence a soft-sell.
Content marketing is currently the most critical and effective way to increase web presence.
When it comes to our services we help our clients publish great content on their website and in lots of other places on the internet. Most small business owners do not think they can come up with enough content and or know-how or where to publish it.
We help our clients to overcome this obstacle, typically helping them to provide us with initial raw content which we can develop and publish. We do this through a variety of techniques from recording Skype calls, to training them to create simple videos, to educating them on what can be great content in their market. The client is always the content expert.
- This is “the” staple requirement for generating a serious web presence.
- Establishing a consistent “velocity” is vital
- Learn more: Introduction to Content Marketing
- Content marketing training for small businesses
Search Marketing
Search marketing, often also referred to as inbound marketing, is an aspect of “content marketing” that simply focuses on designing content so that it shows up when people search for it. “Specificity” and organizing content relative to markets (search phrases) is both an art and a science.
- This is a vital process that has changed drastically over the last two years
- You should always strive to achieve a balance between simply creating great content and maintaining the subject specificity of that content
- Introduction to search marketing
- Training for search marketing for small businesses
Video Marketing
One type of “content marketing” that leverages videos to drive more visibility and to appeal to a broader audience. Counter-intuitively, many short low-quality videos produced regularly can be much better than occasional high-quality, well-produced epics. This is true as long as the video is relevant and informative. Effective use of videos can boost online visibility, sales conversations, bid conversion rates, better internal training, and effective communication.
- Very hot and effective 2016 – 2017 and beyond
- Boost online visibility
- Boost sales conversions
- If there is such a thing as the “one thing” that you can do to boost your business effectively, using videos would be it
- Extremely easy to do
- Learn more: Video Marketing Training for Small Businesses
Social Media Marketing
Part “content marketing” and part “interaction” with your prospective and existing customers, is the big growth area. Effectiveness in this activity will be a big competitive differentiator in 2017.
- Has recently come of age, and should become a key part of any online strategy.
- Engaging on the right social media platform for your business is the place to start.
Web Site Conversion Optimization
Often overlooked but an important part of any effort to increase site visibility. If your website does not convert, that is to get people to take the action you want them to take, all efforts to drive more visitors there are wasted. If they instead “bounce” away from your website, this will kill your online visibility and your sales. Getting this right can also substantially boost site visibility.
- Often missed but a critical point of focus.
- Learn more: Introduction to Web Site Conversion Optimization
A large part of what we do is help business owners understand and execute the things that need to be done. Specifically, what business owners and their staff can and should do to help themselves and us, as we drive their visibility. This can be technical knowledge, how to come up with content, what form it should take, how to write a blog post, how to create an effective video, where to apply focus, how to get great online reviews, online social interaction, and more…
- Enabling our clients in this way makes Holistic Web Presence very different compared to other companies.
- The more you know, the more effective we can be for you.
- Get started, learn about Holistic Web Presence Training
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Website Design
Whether you have an existing website that just needs to be updated or are starting from scratch, the focus of any web presence strategy starts with an engaging and functional website.
- The quality of your website reflects the perceived quality of your business
- Visit our Design Gallery
- How long does it take to design and build a website?
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Web Photography Services Portfolio
Every Website needs to have great images that are original, unique, and help the site convert. Too much use of stock images reduces search optimization effectiveness. There are two forms of images:
- Showcase images and storytelling images
- Images that show off what you do and images that help people to understand key points and encourage them to take action
- See examples of our photography
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Website Development
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This is all about the mechanics of your website. Adding and editing content you can do yourself, should you be so inclined. However, structural, navigational, layout, and transactional changes will need to be set up by a developer conversant in HTML, CSS, PHP, and much more. Access to a web developer to get changes made quickly and easily is a must for any business.
- Learning to communicate exactly what you want to a developer can be the biggest challenge
- Understanding what can and cannot be done is also important
- Also understanding the difference between relatively easy changes and what may be difficult or expensive to implement helps a lot too
- How to take control of this process and work effectively with developers – Training Website Development
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eCommerce – The WOOCOMMERCE Platform
Self-managed or fully managed, an online store can be a great way to make money online. Stand-alone or as an add-on to a larger site, done right eCommerce can also increase your core visibility. It is relatively easy to build a store where people can buy your stuff, getting them to actually buy it is harder. We specialize in the WOOCOMMERCE WordPress add-on solution.
- Niche specificity is the key
- Understanding who your buyers are and being found by them is the trick
- Think about the four pillars of an effective store, Store Build & Technology, Adding Products, Conversion Optimization & Merchandising
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Local Listings and Local SEARCH
If you are a local business or if you have multiple sales offices in different cities, done well this can provide a vital and major boost to your web presence. There is no doubt that for a local business, local listings often convert better than just having standard organic visibility. Much more complicated than it at first appears, if you are not all over this, you are missing a major opportunity to get more local clients.
- Be found locally, website not required
- Want to do it yourself? – Training for Local Listings
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Outsourcing Offshore
Increase your business’s productivity and lower your staffing costs. We practice what we preach, check out our “About Us” page. By design, a lot of our staff are Filipino’s and we can’t say enough good things about them! Learn more about off-shore staffing and whether it might work in your business.
- The Philippines is a great place to hire full-time staff
- Filipino’s generally are well educated, hard-working, and loyal
- Reduce your staffing costs for certain types of work
Adwords & Paid Advertising
With Adwords, get traffic immediately, test your market, test your site’s ability to convert. This can work well particularly for a local small business. It can also be a good way to make a loss. In the Adwords game, analysis is everything.
- Only pay for traffic that actually makes it to your website
- Don’t forget there are other places (other than Google) to advertise as well
- Pay per click (only pay for results?)
- Target specific locations
Hosting & Maintenance
Hosting is where your website lives. Need your website hosted? Do you want to manage it yourself? Or do you want a web developer on call, without paying an arm and a leg for the privilege? Rest easy knowing your website is regularly backed up, updated, and secure.
There is a difference between just “Hosting” and Hosting & “Maintenance”. You can do it yourself for about $10 per month. Our Hosting and Maintenance service is slightly more BUT it includes such things as CMS updating, plugin updating, regular back-ups, security updates, and a “developer on call”.
- Professional hosting with maintenance is critical for a business website
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WordPress CMS
The WordPress (CMS) Content Management System is to website’s what Microsoft Office is to business applications. At 54% market share, the next nearest being Joomla at 9.5%, we believe it makes sense to leverage the best and most widely used technology. Add and edit content yourself without a developer, there is little that cannot be done better using WordPress.
- Lower cost development, inherent search optimization
- Pre-built additional functionality through plug-ins makes for faster development and lower costs
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Holistic Web Presence Strategy
Holistic, “the interconnectedness of everything“. Each of the processes and systems above can be effective all by themselves. However, when implemented and interconnected together, their effectiveness can be multiplied. This “synergistic” effect is at the heart of Holistic Web Presence’s strategy. The client is at the center of this interconnectedness, in other words, our clients are a part of the process…
- Multiple results on page one, be everywhere, gain traction faster
- We pro-actively help you to do as much for yourself as you have the time, energy, and interest
- We believe an educated client is a better client
- We do this through 1:1 training and cumulative training / real case studies